What Makes A Freshly Picked Mocc Giveaway – Updated with Winners

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  1. Sarah :
    Posted a little love note on my blog about your moccs ;) we think they're pretty swell!
  2. Danielle Thiessen :
    I wish I had an amazing blog like yours to share on! Shared on IG and FB. Commenting anyways! Your moccs are amazing and unique because of all of the above!! I need 15 different colors for my son. Fingers crossed!! Love!
  3. Aleisha :
    C) their overall unique look and feel! They're amazing! And easy to style with any outfit! :-)
  4. Aleisha :
  5. Leah Munns Ward :
    How can I begin....the amazing color selection, attention to detail, gratitute for sucess, customer service, impecable style, real life gal, hand-made in the USA, all around awesome!! PS You deserve all this crazy success it's hard work being awesome!
  6. McCall L. :
    Posted: http://mccallandjared.blogspot.com/2013/03/please-oh-please-oh-please.html
  7. Ruth schultz :
    So you already know how I feel about you and your beautiful Moccs. But unique style and the best color selection on the planet earth is not the reason for my adoration. It's how they fit. I've bought other moccs and they would never stay on ever. When you have a daughter who is in physical therapy you need shoes that fit like a glove or down she'll go. Your moccs beat out most typical shoes. And let's face it most shoes that would work for Davy's feet are down right ugly. I'm a mom that needs style and function and you my dear have both. Thank you for making these stylish and comfy shoes. I only wish they came in adult sizes!
  8. Elizabeth O’Farrill :
    http://seekingsoulitude.blogspot.com/2013/03/freshly-picked-moccasins-giveaway.html I made a post on my blog about your moccasins.

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