By Heather
Sometimes kids can be really difficult to photograph. I’ve been taking pictures for quite some time now, both in the portrait setting and also a lot of my own kids (TONS). Over the many years I’ve been shooting, there are a few simple tips that have helped me get “the perfect shot”.
- Make sure the kids are having fun and are comfortable! If they have something that makes them happy, weather it be their favorite blankie or a silly pair of glasses (pictured), let them see it or play with it, and that’s when you’re going to get more natural results.

-If you’re in a very comfortable environment, like your home, just let your kids be themselves. Then sneak out your camera and get them interacting the way THEY want to. Then you’ll be able to capture and remember how they really were. Remember, they don’t always have to be looking at the camera in order to take a beautiful photo.
-Natural, indirect sunlight makes for beautiful photos. You’ll be shocked at what a roll lighting plays in a photo. Play around with the different ways your child is facing a window. It can give the photo a beautiful, soft, natural lighting that makes your photo picture perfect!

-Ask your child to tell their favorite joke. That gets them smiling naturally and usually gets me the cutest pictures. Sometimes I even ask them to spin and jump around until I say stop, and after they do there’s all smiles (without the cheese)!
Remember, taking pictures of your kids doesn’t have to be torture! Let it be fun and natural, and you’ll see the same in your photos.