Every year we get pretty excited to fill our garden with seeds and small started plants, but we seem to struggle to harvest. This year I am hoping to do a little better than last.
Our first goal is to grow peas. We love peas. Even if the kids aren’t always great at eating them, they get a kick out of being able to pick them. So this year we decided to do a whole grow box.
The night before, we put our peas in water to soak. We hoped this will encourage them to germinate more quickly once planted. In the morning we went out to plant them. My dad talked to the kids about how many, how far apart, and how deep. He showed them how to push them just a short way into the dirt, pushing each one down using our finger tips. B got a little excited and used more of a scatter approach, but they all had a great time.
We don’t all have a yard to plant in or the time to devote to a full-sized garden. But a plastic cup with a seed and a little love can be just as exciting. My son, just brought home some pumpkin seedlings home from kindergarten, and I have fond memories of a pretty bloom on a Morning Glory vine I planted in a cup when I was 12. Taking part in the wonder of spring is a great way to spend time with your little ones.